Courtney Ferreira, MS, RD, LDN, CPT

Health Coach

Part of what Courtney loves about working in healthcare is that it allows her to connect with people of all ages and backgrounds. She finds it incredibly rewarding to build relationships and witness her clients improve their health and confidence.

Courtney grew up in New Jersey, went to undergraduate and graduate school in Delaware, and then completed her training and first several years of work in Baltimore, Maryland. A recent transplant to Kentucky, Courtney is a Registered Dietitian, NASM-certified personal trainer, and group fitness instructor with several years of experience. She has an extensive background in the media, public speaking, and coaching large groups and individuals. She takes a whole body, all foods fit approach to nutrition and wellness, and in her practice she employs HAES (Health At Every Size), which holds the belief that every person should be allowed to pursue health and wellness, without judgment, regardless of size.

Born in Dallas, Ashley grew up in Allen, Texas. She loves running and enjoys racing in 5Ks and half marathons. Ashley is learning how to golf, She recently bought her first house and has become fully invested in growing a large houseplant collection—every day is a learning experience for her! Courtney loves to read in her down time, especially contemporary fiction and psychological thrillers. Especially committed to at-home manicures, Courtney finds great joy in the simple pleasure of selecting a fresh color each week.

  • BS, Dietetics, University of Delaware
  • Master, Dietetics, University of Delaware

What makes me unique?
I take a non-judgmental, holistic approach to health and wellness. I believe in looking at each client as an individual with unique needs, stressors, and experiences. No two clients are the same and I pride myself in providing individualized care that gets to the root of their health concerns.

Why do I practice healthcare?
Healthcare allows me to make a difference and supports the future health of our nation.
